
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sydney's Saturday

On Saturday, Sydney was playing at her friend Bryson's house, which is across the street from our house.  Well, she locked herself in his room.  Our neighbors didn't have a key to the room and after trying to get into the room for over 20 minutes from the hallway and outdoor windows, we decided it was best to call the Oro Valley Fire Department.  Sydney had been crying throughout this ordeal and wanted out!  The firemen eventually popped the door open and got Sydney out.  Sydney was then treated to a badge sticker and view of the rescue truck with the fire fighters.  What an interesting Saturday!

View of our neighbor's house from our driveway.  Sydney was locked in the upper bedroom facing the street.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday Sage!

Happy Birthday Cupcake!

Mommy did an amazing job preparing for this celebration!

What a beautiful collage of Sage photographs!


Fun with water toys and all our friends

Trouble and Double Trouble!